Friday, 10 September 2010

Death threats made on peace protestors

Maria from Peace Strike has been banned from Westminster and Shamus has been banned from London.
They have been told that it is for their own protection adding that they may be SHOT if they are seen near a designated area. Where is the transparency, the justice? These people held peaceful protest for the support of peace and once again the establishment has not only tried to silence them, but also placed upon them a potential life threat. What types of laws are these, how can they be justified?
They have no lawful right to make peaceful protestors come under the umbrella laws that brand them as criminals or terrorists. It is your Sovereign right to uphold the law and the rights of the people. We call upon all to rally for unity in the name of PEACE, to speak out, act out, and bring these bullies to account for their mismanagement of the laws and their ongoing infringements of civil and human rights.
We are the people, this is our land, and this is our right. We choose freedom liberty and justice.